MAY, 2020
Two months into the quarantine and all passion motivators of Silid Aralan are in a work from home arrangement. Arcie Mallari, our Chief Motivation Officer, decided to call for a General Assembly to keep everyone in check and aligned to the mission of the organization.
The theme for this first-ever General Assembly is Superheroes. In this time of the pandemic where there are still no instructions of whether classes will physically resume in June, the organization must pivot. Superheroes innovate and we, the passion motivators, will definitely innovate.

CMO Arcie launched the Silid Aralan 3.0 which is the start of the transition to online learning. He also revealed the new vision of Silid Aralan: A world of empowered individuals committed to creating a better and sustainable nation.
We were also joined by 3 former learners of Silid Aralan namely, Elisha Barrinuevo, Mel Angelo Ortiola, and Kent Ian Vargas who shared their stories of personal innovation.
Kuya Arcie ended with the words,
““The strength of Silid Aralan isn’t in the building of bricks and steel. It’s in the hearts of those who have sworn to educate and empower these kids.”