Silid Aralan conducted a Work Attitude and Values Enhancement (WAVE) Training last April 8, 2024 at Eastwood, Quezon City in preparation for the annual planning. It was attended by 10 Silid Aralan staff from different teams. The training aimed to enhance each team member’s perspective on their work environment and to provide them with inputs on how to be more efficient while living out the organization’s core values and showing positive work attitude towards teammates, customers, and other stakeholders.
The training had two activities for the participants. The first activity was to create a poster that introduces the core values of the organization and how these values impact the community and customers. The second activity was still on the core values but it focused more on the best practices shown or experienced by the teammates and/or the organization, and the areas where improvements can be done. These activities aimed to encourage the participants to maintain the best practices for each core value and identify areas for improvement in order to effectively live out the organization’s core values.
With trainings like WAVE, Silid Aralan can ensure that everyone at work is able to display a positive work attitude and is aligned with the core values of the organization. The SAI team always aims to give the best service to make everyone smile and feel satisfied, and the WAVE training is one of the many ways that can facilitate the improvement of the services of each team member and of the entire organization.

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