Latest Activities
National Youth Congress 2023 at UP Diliman Unites Students and Organizations for a Meaningful Event
Last November 19, 2023, the National Youth Congress brought together students from various schools and universities across the country at UP Diliman for an extraordinary event.
Silid Aralan starts the 1st term learning sessions of LY 2023-2024
Last September 18, 2023, SAI officially started the learning sessions, mostly from Mindanao learning hubs followed by the Visayas and Luzon areas. The respective Co-learner(s) of each learning hub met with the learners to share their learning with one another. This learning year, SAI partnered with some schools through their remediation program. The team is excited to create change and empower children through the support of its amazing partners and passionate motivators.
DHL Express Philippines’ Generous Donation Sparks Gratitude from Silid Aralan
DHL Express Philippines, a steadfast partner of Silid Aralan, made a remarkable donation on October 20, 2023, further strengthening their commitment to shaping a brighter future for young learners. This long-standing partnership has been significant in fostering education and empowerment among underprivileged students. Yours truly along with Jansel Escanillas and Roxanne Montances visited DHL’s office to formally accept and express the team’s profound gratitude for DHL’s unwavering support and love for the organization’s mission.
Distribution of donated computer sets to learning hubs in Rizal and Pasig
DHL Express Philippines gave computer sets and financial support to SAI. On the same day, the team gladly delivered the computer sets to Maybunga Elementary School Annex, Dulong Bayan Elementary School, Kasiglahan Village Elementary School and San Isidro Labrador Elementary School.
Root Cause Analysis and Critical Thinking Training with Ms. Arlene A. Soncuya
As SAI continue to live out its core values of passion for learning and excellence, the team underwent a training on Root Cause Analysis and Critical Thinking last October 20, 2023. The training was facilitated by Ms. Arlene A. Soncuya.
DHL visits Silid Aralan, Inc. Central Learning Hub
I would like to show my appreciation to DHL Philippines for visiting us and for giving not just gifts but as well as lessons to the learners. It was a very rare experience for the learners to have professionals from IT industries educate them about the importance of the modern computer and its good and bad effects, and about the technical lessons they need to know regarding the modern age. It was a fun experience for the learners.
Silid Aralan, Inc.
Silid Aralan, Inc. is a non-stock and non-profit organization in the Philippines registered under the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on 12 April 2007.
Company Registration Number: CN200704696
Company Tax Identification Number: 006-670-740-000
© 2023 Silid Aralan, Inc.