Passion MotivatorsThanks to our Passion Motivators, our learners become better citizens of the world.

Jose Antonio Banson
Chairperson, SAI Board of Trustees
"I am passionate about winning souls for Christ especially the souls in Purgatory, for helping the poor especially the inmates and prisoners in jail and about being born again."

Arlene Soncuya
Vice Chairperson, SAI Board of Trustees
"I am passionate about sharing all grace-filled gifts and challenges, of joy and pain, for others to learn from or to build on."

Carlo Jumagdao
Secretary, SAI Board of Trustees
"I am passionate about data, software, and self-development."

Desiree Roxanne Yazon
Treasurer, SAI Board of Trustees
"I am passionate about organizing. I love how some things seem to fit into place easily and some are more challenging. It is the same with dealing with adults, teaching children and things in my personal life."

Kent Ian Vargas
Member, SAI Board of Trustees
"I am passionate about learning new ideas that help improve my life and teaching skills."

Arcie Mallari
Founder & Chief Motivation Officer
"I am passionate about learning new things, reading and teaching."

Krisha June Burgos
Business Development Team Leader
"I am passionate about putting to good use the life that my Creator has given and entrusted to me."

Hazel Mallari
Administrative Services Team Leader
"I am passionate about learning new things."

Czar Valen Reyes
Human Resource Assistant & Business Development Staff
"I am passionate about cooking. I enjoy learning new recipes in my free time and I often invite people over so that I can cook for them."

Jansel Christian Escanillas
Accounting Assistant & Business Development Staff
"I am passionate about Sports and Travel. I want to encounter new friends by playing sports and enjoying the beauty of our nature."

Julius Nico Saturno
Learning Development Assistant
"I am passionate about education. Being passionate about education helps me to encourage others to learn and to accept every individual's unique way of learning."

Justin Cabana
Head Co-Learner
"I am passionate about of bringing hope and joy to the young ones. I want to touch more lives and be a catalyst for change in my own way."

Roxanne Montances
Head Co-Learner
"I am passionate about learning new things and discovering who I am in everything I do."

Mel Angelo Ortiola
Head Co-Learner
"I am passionate about helping those in need."

Jeneveb Abanzado
Project-based Co-Learner, Siargao
"I am passionate about teaching the youth. I want to help them by teaching them about good manners and how to dream, read and write."

Marjie Cumaya
Project-based Co-Learner, Cagayan de Oro
"I am passionate about working with students every day to learn new things from them and them learning something from me."
Silid Aralan, Inc.
Silid Aralan, Inc. is a non-stock and non-profit organization in the Philippines registered under the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on 12 April 2007.
Company Registration Number: CN200704696
Company Tax Identification Number: 006-670-740-000
© 2023 Silid Aralan, Inc.